For years I have fought my natural hair. I've blow dried and straightened and waved and curled my hair into submission. Because my natural hair texture is loose curls (probably a 2B/2C type of situation over here) that I didn't know how to style without ending up with either crunchy waves or tons of poufiness and frizz. I've always tried to take good care of my hair, even when I was heat styling every day, by using heat protectant sprays, but I ... Read the Post...
Workout Essentials
Following up on yesterday's post about Spark, I thought it would be helpful to share my workout essentials. Disclaimer that just because I call them essentials doesn't mean that you can't absolutely be successful working out without them. When I first started doing at home workouts with Spark I used canned goods and wine bottles as weights because I didn't have hand weights. And it worked fine! (For a while there was a joking competition over who ... Read the Post...
spark by Gabby
aka the best virtual workout community If you're a loyal reader (lol) or you follow me on Instagram you probably have seen/heard/read me mention Gabby and spark by gabby about a hundred times. but I figured it was long past time for me to fully explain why I love these workouts and this communicy. Pre-pandemic I was a dedicated spin class devotee. I went at least four times a week. And I loved it. It was the first time I found a workout ... Read the Post...
Books I read in January
For the past three years I've made goals for how many books I want to read in the year. And (knock on wood) each year I've met my goal--twice I even exceeded the goal! So this year I'm tying to push myself to read even more. This year I'm going to set a reach goal of reading *drumroll please* 120 books! I don't set reading goals to make reading into homework or a competition. I set reading goals because part of the way I take care of myself is ... Read the Post...